The RNase-Free DNase I set ensures complete DNA removal from RNA extracted using IBI’s RNA extraction kits for use in DNA sensitive downstream applications. This is an optional treatment as IBI’s spin column technology yields RNA with the majority of DNA removed. Without using DNase treatment the extracted RNA and can be used in downstream applications which are not DNA sensitive. This set can be used for both in column DNase digestion and DNase digestion in solution.
- Item Description
- Specifications
- Protocol
- Technical Information
Additional Item Description:
The IB47450 DNase I product will accommodate a 50-prep RNA extraction kit and consists of: 275 µl DNase I (2U/µl) and 2.5ml DNase I Reaction Buffer.
The quality of the RNase-Free DNase I set is tested on a lot-to-lot basis according to IBI’s ISO-certified quality management system.
Key Details:
Physical Attributes:
Kit Components:
- DNase I (2U/ul) - 275µl
- DNase I Reaction Buffer - 2.5ml
Application: In column DNase I digestion and DNA digestion in solution with IBI RNA extraction kits.
Protocol Link:
Technical Instructions:
Storage: Store DNase I vial at -20°C for up to 9 months. The product can be shipped at room temperature.