Written by: Katie Draves

Supply Chain Stress is nothing new for businesses nor consumers. There will always, undoubtedly be supply and demand. However, in the Pandemic world in which we are currently living, supply chain stress has been amplified to unprecedented levels. According to the Institute for Supply Chain Management, “nearly 75 percent of companies reported supply chain disruptions in one form or the other due to coronavirus-related transportation restrictions…”. As such, it is made abundantly clear that the pandemic has created numerous negative repercussions, of which are still being felt today.
In the early stages of the pandemic, supply chain stress could be felt through countless highly sought-after items, such as P.P.E. (Personal Protective Equipment) – including things such as N95 masks, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, acrylic shields, etc. There was not a company in the world that was not feeling the pressure to get on board the P.P.E. supply chain.
While it certainly was a good idea for more companies to start producing P.P.E. amongst other items, it also resulted in a wave of unforeseen demand- demand so high that many companies simply could not keep up or would charge you an arm and a leg. Take for example the T.P. industry, which experienced massive supply shortages, which in turn caused significant consumer and company stress in the process.
Speaking of supply shortages, in the science industry – but, more specifically the life science industry, many companies, and scientists found themselves without sufficient Proteinase-K Powder. This obviously has created considerable stress for researchers and companies alike because without any Pro-K on hand, it makes it all the more challenging to be able to conduct research – especially during pandemic life no less.
However, instead of throwing in the “proverbial towel” in the midst of pandemic adversity, researchers did what they do best – research and found a much-needed solution.
A solution known as Recombinant Pro-K.
Recombinant Pro-K is genetically identical to Native Pro, and luckily for those who use Native Pro-K, Recombinant Pro-K behaves exactly to that of the O.G. formula. And just like the Native, Recombinant can still degrade Dnase/Rnase histones, cleaver bonds, and most importantly, digest protein impurities.

While Recombinant Pro-K might not be your first choice, with the current supply chain stress on the science industry, Native Pro-K is next to impossible to find. And unless you are willing to pay a premium for products, Recombinant is the way to go.
Nonetheless, regardless of the industry, be it science or P.P.E. or even the T.P. industry, “the pandemic has directly affected international trade and global supply chains (GSCs) that link production in multiple locations across the globe” (wcms_746917.pdf (ilo.org).
As such, until the Pandemic becomes a distant memory, supply chain issues need to be addressed head-on, and in ways that are mutually beneficial not only to companies but to their customers as well.
Here at IBI Scientific, we care strongly about the various needs and potential concerns of our customers and community. We also support the ever-growing number of research centers that have now begun to use genetically identical Recombinant Pro K in place of Native Pro K due to current supply chain stress.
To purchase any of our various life science research approved products, view the following pages:
-Recombinant Pro K (DNA Extraction)
-Shields (Protection)
-Viral DNA/RNA extraction kits (column-based)
If you have any questions whatsoever about any of these products or others, please email us at info@ibisci.com